This report shows how the housing crisis is inextricably linked to our traffic and transportation woes, with recommendations for how to address both.
San Francisco Bay Area
Stormwater Capture in California: Innovative Policies and Funding Opportunities
This report presents a summary of regulations, laws, and statewide initiatives that create the legal framework for stormwater capture in California.
Managing Drought in a Changing Climate: Four Essential Reforms
This report offers a road map of essential reforms to prepare for and respond to droughts in California’s changing climate.
California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment
This report provides information to build resilience to climate impacts including temperature, wildfire, water, sea level rise, and governance. It also underscores the state’s vulnerabilities… Read More »
A Pivot to Power: Lessons from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities about Place, Health, and Philanthropy
This publication assesses The California Endowment’s 10-year investment in building “people power” capacity in 14 diverse communities.
Race Counts: Advancing Opportunities for All Californians
This online tool and report rank all 58 counties by seven issue areas critical to California’s future to paint a comprehensive picture of racial disparity… Read More »
Indicators of Climate Change in California
This report presents 36 indicators that show how climate change is affecting California.
Growth Amid Dysfunction: An Analysis of Trends in Housing, Migration, and Employment
A trio of studies look at deepening divisions in California’s economy, depending on residents’ income and where they live.
With or Without Autonomous Vehicles: 11 Strategies for a Better Transportation Future
This helpful piece highlights effective strategies to manage traffic and make it easier to get around even if autonomous vehicles never arrive.
Solving the Housing Crisis is Key to Inclusive Prosperity in the Bay Area
This report presents new data and analyses that illustrate how rising rents and stagnant incomes are jeopardizing the region’s diversity, growth, and prosperity.