November 5, 2018
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
The San Francisco Foundation, Suite 1400
Join Great Communities Collaborative (GCC) funder and network partners as we learn how a multi-year, grassroots organizing effort successfully worked with public sectors to shape an upcoming transportation ballot measure. The ballot measure would ensure a full 50% of the funds will go to maintain and enhance bus, paratransit, and other mobility services to better serve vulnerable, underserved, youth, low-income, and transit-dependent populations.
Transportation Equity Allied Movement Coalition (TEAMC) engages and empowers those most impacted by the existing transportation system and those historically underrepresented in transportation decision making. TEAMC advocates for a system that better serves their needs and those of future generations. This includes low-income families, people of color, youth, seniors, immigrants, transit users, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
In conversation with TEAMC partners and others, we will discuss how the lessons learned in San Mateo can apply to emerging conversations around a regional transportation mega-measure.
Please reserve your ticket before spaces are gone. Lunch will be served.