January 15, 2020
11:00 am-12:00 pm
TFN is kicking off a new year-long learning series inspired by the theme of their 2020 Annual Conference: Bridge the Divide. They’ll be presenting webinars that will offer strategies and stories about philanthropy’s potential to bridge differences, foster connections and build partnerships — and address urgent issues such as climate change, economic disparity and racial injustice.
Bridge the Divide: Climate, Land Use and Transportation Connections
Jan. 15 at 11 a.m. PST
Register now
In a time of heightened awareness about our climate crisis, we know that land use, transportation, and housing patterns have a direct impact on climate change and greenhouse gas pollution. How we build our communities and transportation networks effects quality of life, equity, economic vitality, public health, and environmental quality. Community leaders and climate advocates across the country are working hard to change the status quo as we know that smarter and more just land use and transit investments bring multiple benefits. Please join us for TFN’s January Bridge the Divide webinar, when we’ll explore how nonprofits, community leaders and their funding partners are working together, building power and reforming policy to create a more sustainable and equitable future.
Terry Benelli, Executive Director, Phoenix LISC
Chanell Fletcher, the Executive Director, ClimatePlan
Calvin Gladney, President and CEO, Smart Growth America
Beth Osborne, Director, Transportation for America, Smart Growth America
Neelima Shah, Program Officer, Bullitt Foundation