With multiple crises raging across California, a broad ecosystem of organizations and coalitions supported by funders active in Smart Growth California have issued detailed policy recommendations to build a more just, inclusive and sustainable California. Below are a few highlights of these efforts that lead with racial justice while working to integrate the passage and equitable implementation of various policies at the local, regional, statewide and national levels.
Equitable Recovery/Resilient Communities
Recommendations for a Just COVID-19 Response & Recovery to Support Resilient Communities (Greenlining + over 100 organizations to Governor Newsom, Members of the Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery and Members of the Legislature)
- Guiding principles and recommendations to inform an equitable approach to any funding or regulatory proposals meant to address the fallout from COVID-19
Transportation/Land Use/Housing/Water
How to Save Transit in California (TransForm, ClimatePlan + 16 organizations to Governor Newsom, President Pro Tempore Atkins and Speaker Rendon)
- State-level recommendations to both support transit now, and lay the groundwork for the service we’ll need once more people can use it again
We Need Bold Leadership, Not Half-Measures (150+ organizations and 47 elected officials to Governor Newsom)
- Five statewide recommendations to ensure Californians are stably housed
Expeditious implementation of the Vehicle Miles Traveled guidelines for transportation impact analysis per SB 743 (2013) (Planning and Conservation League + 11 organizations to Governor Newsom)
- Urges State of California to expedite SB 743 implementation and not further delay it
Emergency Stabilization & Economic Recovery Recommendations (Smart Growth America + 3 national organizations to Congress)
- 20 recommendations for Congress to support stabilization and long-term recovery from COVID-19, separated into two broad areas: (1) Infrastructure investments, and (2) housing and community development investments
Include Urgently Needed Funding for Water Infrastructure and Water Affordability Needs in Next Congressional Response to COVID-19 Pandemic (Water Foundation, NextGen CA + 70 organizations to Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader McCarthy, Senators Feinstein and Harris, and Members of the California Congressional Delegation)
- Urging support for support for the water-related provisions of the HEROES Act.
- Urging the California Congressional Delegation to include funding for urgent water infrastructure and water affordability needs as part of the next federal stimulus package or other pending Congressional actions.
Public Engagement
Concerns Regarding Public Participation in Government Public Meetings During COVID-19 and Recommendations to Promote Equitable Participation (Leadership Counsel for Justice & Accountability + 59 organizations to Governor Newsom)
- Urges Gavin Newsom to issue an Executive Order that clearly requires local, regional and state bodies to provide effective, inclusive remote participation options both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
If you come across other compelling policy recommendations, please send them our way. We’ll continue to add to this list as we become aware of new requests.